Today I received my sketchbook from Art House Co-op’s Sketchbook Project 2012.  This will be my latest attempt at creating art.  With our continued effort to move and sell our previous home, we’ve been too busy and a bit stressed about the whole “downsizing” effort.  So far all my art supplies are filling up the 2-car garage  yikes!  Yet I don’t think I have an art room to speak of in our new (older) home.  It does cause me to question if I want to continue being a visual artist!  It takes so much supplies and space to do this unless I want to limit myself to small format or nothing bigger than 8×10 – then fork out the money to have everything custom framed.  I just can’t express myself well in those tight dimensions.
In the meantime we can only focus on what’s here.  That there’s too much and there’s only the two of us who will mostly have to sort through it.  For now, I’ll throw out a question to the universe if I really should pursue this thing called Fine Art or go explore a different creative outlet.  For now, I will participate in this Sketchbook Project just to have a small string tethered to the fine artist in me.  My theme is “Hope” 🙂

 Somewhere here is projected to be a space for my art creation.  It’s windowless and dark.  I know this whole plan is good.  I will keep a look out for more direction 🙂

By the way I am uploading some images for merchandising in my Zazzle store.  They have a special until Nov. 6 for 50% on cards  code:4EVERYMOMENT  <–my Zazzle store 🙂

The glamorous life and times of an artist!

14 thoughts on “Hope Springs!

  1. Eternal? I got my sketchbook yesterday, too…strikes fear in my heart 🙂

    You ARE NOT going to give up painting. Your soul blossoms when you paint. The ‘where’ will take care of itself…being just a couple blocks from Crystal Bridges might just create a studio space just for you…think positive and let those doors and windows open!

  2. Red a studio place beyond my home would be stepping out of my box. But I’ll stay open to ideas. I personally try not to fully depend on my wheelchair supporting my activities so I try not to put all my eggs in the concept of getting somewhere to do something. But I’ll be open to the idea. I am grateful that I can say the space possibly available to me would be too small and too dark and uninspiring. I just wonder sometimes why my art life hasn’t progressed since I was a senior in high school. I’ve received this much accolades, been on TV, in the paper, on cover of magazine, had art showS, one-woman-show, sold art, etc before college. I’m just feeling restless. Thanks REDDDDDD get on that sketchbook!!! xoxox

  3. I know that saying things will work out or you’ll find a way to paint is pretty much meaningless. I know what it means to have to work in a tight space. My work is spread out over several rooms of my house as there is no way to contain it in just one spot. I don’t have one spot that’s large enough. Maybe you’ll find a way of making due with your new space. You may have to take a good hard look at all of your possessions and get rid of some things to make room. Whatever it is you have to do don’t give up painting. You have a wonderful talent and it needs to be exercised.

  4. Thanks Maddyrose! I’m sure we’re just feeling very overwhelmed with the “downsizing” and selling too. Whenever we bring home more boxes for my art, I feel like such a hoarder! I don’t have any idea when I will use them. My mind is so overwhelmed justifying not letting others have them. I have thrown out and donated already and will do more of that I’m sure. My art needs just aren’t priority right now since we’ve moved to an older house that needs TLC. I’m sure you’re right, when things are more settled that certain areas will look more inspiring to ART CLUTTER hahaha I just feel so far removed from it right now. I was hoping to house every art related item in one room at some point because I too had my art activities strewn all over our previous bigger house. I was chasing the natural lighting. It will all get settled somehow. Thanks again Maddyrose!!!!

  5. Well, it sounds like you’re at some kind of crossroads. First…that’s a great space…I can totally see it transformed for you. I teach painting classes inside a hobby store and we have no natural light. Buy an Ott light or something like it. Windowless shouldn’t stop you. If you’re questioning what you’re doing…go ahead and ask those questions. Maybe you’ll go in a differnt direction…or maybe you’ll get affirmation that you need to be a visual artist. Good luck. My vote is to keep on girl!!!

  6. Whatever you end up doing it’s sure to be something wonderful and creative. Just follow your intuition. Other people can give advice, but only you know what’s in your heart. All the very best to you, dear Erika!

  7. Kimberly thank you! I do have Ott lights but they just don’t seem to be bright enough for me. Or maybe about 10 Ott lights would be good but then it becomes an eyesore and very distracting. Or maybe I’ll come up with a million excuses until I’m ready hahaha thanks so much I appreciate your kind attention 🙂

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